Class 1 Miss Cullingworth
Welcome to Class 1!
The adults that will support your learning are Miss Cullingworth (Class Teacher) and Miss Oates (Learning support assistant)
Geography - From Barnsley to the Hebrides - understanding the UK
Science - Materials
PD - Physical health and wellbeing
RE - Why are some words special?
PE day:
Our PE day is Friday. Please come to school in full PE kit on this day.
PE kit consists of plain white t-shirt, black shorts/black jogging bottoms and a plain black hoodie. Please ensure that long hair is tied back and earrings are removed.
Children will bring home a Read Write Inc book that will be changed every 3 days according to their phonics grouping. We encourage children to read at least 5 times a week.
Children will have access to a website called NumBots which allows them to practice basic maths skills at a time that is convenient to you.
Each week in school we will practice a spelling rule. A list of spellings including this rule will be sent home and tested the following week.
Class Dojo
Class Dojo will include up-to-date information, class related messages and photos of our learning. Any absences should be reported to the school office.
I look forward to teaching you all this year! 😊