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   Religious Education at Summer Lane is:


'For all children to have a sense of belonging, and an awareness of other cultures and beliefs.'


We believe that Religious Education should be a stimulating, interesting and enjoyable subject. RE develops independent and interdependent learning. RE promotes an enquiring approach in which pupils carefully consider issues of beliefs and truth in religion. It also enhances the capacity to think coherently and consistently. This enables pupils to evaluate thoughtfully their own and others' views in a reasoned and informed manner. 

Our curriculum aims to promote pupils' spiritual moral, social and cultural development and prepare all pupils for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of life.


The aims of religious education at Summer Lane are to enable pupils to:

• Acquire and develop knowledge and understanding of Christianity and the five other principal religions represented in Great Britain

• Develop an understanding of the influence of beliefs, values and traditions on individuals, communities, societies and cultures

• Develop the ability to make reasoned and informed judgements about religious and moral issues, with reference to the teachings of the principal religions

• Enhance their spiritual, moral, social and cultural development by: developing awareness of the fundamental questions of life raised by human experiences, and of how religious teachings can relate to them responding to such questions with reference to the teachings and practices of religions and other belief systems, relating them to their own understanding and experience

• Develop positive attitudes of respect towards other people who hold views and beliefs different from their own, and towards living in a society of diverse religions



The Barnsley Local Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education, which informs all planning of RE at Summer Lane, has five purposes, which mirror the purposes of the National Curriculum.

1. To establish an entitlement RE is for all pupils, irrespective of social background, culture, race, religion, gender, differences in ability and disabilities. This contributes to their developing knowledge, understanding, skills and attitudes, which are necessary for their self-fulfilment and their development as active and responsible citizens.

 2. To establish standards The Local Agreed Syllabus sets out expectations for learning and attainment that are explicit to pupils, parents, teachers, governors, employers and the public, and establishes standards for the performance of all pupils in RE. 

3. To promote continuity and coherence The Local Agreed Syllabus seeks to contribute to a coherent curriculum that promotes continuity. It facilitates the transition of pupils between schools and phases of education and can provide foundations for further study and lifelong learning.

4. To promote Community Cohesion. RE makes an important contribution to promote community cohesion. It provides a key context to develop young people’s understanding and appreciation of diversity, to promote shared values and to challenge racism and discrimination. 

5. To promote public understanding The Local Agreed Syllabus aims to increase public understanding of the work of schools in RE

Each religion is taught with a focus on six key questions:

Why are these words special?
Sacred books

 Why are some places special?
Local places of worship, objects, artefacts, signs and symbols, sacred sites and pilgrimages
How can faith contribute to Community Cohesion?
Beliefs, ethics, family traditions and faith in the community
Why are some times special?
Festivals and families
What can be learned from the lives of significant people of faith?
Role models
How do I and others feel about life and the universe around us?
Ultimate questions

Please note.

Parents and carers  have the right to withdraw their child from all or part of RE lessons and any attendance at religious worship in the school.


Please contact the school office (01226205363) to make an appointment with a member of the Senior Leadership Team if this is your wish.
