Latest KS2 SATS results
| 2021-22 | 2022-23 | 2023-24 | |||
| Expected | Greater Depth | Expected | Greater Depth | Expected | Greater Depth |
Maths | 82% | 27% | 75% | 22% | 45% | 5% |
Reading | 84% | 30% | 72.5% | 32.5% | 48% | 13% |
Writing | 76% | 12% | 72.5% | 22.5% | 33% | 0% |
GPS | 79% | 34% | 77.5% | 7.5% | 48% | 13% |
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Combined percentages.
In 2023-24 20% of children gained the expected level in reading, writing and maths. The national average was 61%.
National Averages
In reading, 74% of pupils met the expected standard, up 1% from in 2023.
In maths, 73% of pupils met the expected standard, unchanged from 2022.
In writing, 72% of pupils met the expected standard, up 1% from in 2023.
In grammar, punctuation and spelling, 72% of pupils met the expected standard, unchanged from 2023.
Attainment in all of reading, writing and maths (combined), 61% of pupils met the expected standard, up 2% from 2023.
Scaled Scores
After children have completed their SATS, their raw score will be converted into a scaled score.
The scaled scores are centred around 100. That means that: A score of 100 means the child is working 'at the expected standard' for a Year 6 child. 80 is the lowest possible score and 120 is the highest. A scaled score of 99 or less means they haven't reached the government's 'expected standard'