Dinners & Menus
A tasty and healthy variety of school meals are served daily by our dedicated kitchen staff. Please see a list of our current meals. The cost of a dinner is £2.75 per day and parents order and pay for their child's dinners on the Gateway App. Please see the office staff for full details.
The up-dated schools meals policy requests that parents do not allow their accounts to go into arrears and no dinners may be ordered if over £10 in arrears.
As from September 2014, all children in Foundation 2 class and Classes 1, 2 and 3 have been entitled to a universal infant free school meal. This a government led initiative and has been very successful at Summer Lane Primary and only a few children in these classes are bringing sandwiches from home.
Parents may order and pay for the dinners on the Gateway App in the comfort of their own home. Dinners may be ordered up to two weeks in advance. Classroom staff will check each morning that every child has ordered a school dinner or stated that they are bringing a packed lunch from home.
Please see our office staff for any queries regarding dinners and if you wish to apply for Scheme of Aid, should you be experiencing financial difficulties.
Children who are staying for a full day are required to bring a healthy packed lunch. We request that sweets and products made with nuts are avoided. A drink of cordial is ok but please avoid fizzy drinks. If the packed lunch has either fruit or vegetables and the child eats them the staff record this with a stamp. When the child has 20 stamps on their card they will get something from the prize box. Hopefully starting with a good habit will encourage future healthy choices.
From November 2021 to April 2022 nursery staff will cook a baked potato on request. £1 in the lunchbox on the day is required to enable this to happen. Any fillings parents need to put in the lunch box. The potatoes are baked using an air fryer.