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Summer Lane Primary School

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Class 6 - Miss T Parr / Mrs Cawley

Hello and welcome to Class 6! 


Our teachers are Miss Parr, Mrs Cawley and Miss Francis. PE days are Monday and Thursday. 

Our first topic is 'How did the arrival of the Romans change Britain?' If you can find anything out about our topic we would love to share this in class.


Maths homework will be sent on a Friday, via Class Dojo. Spellings will also be sent via Class Dojo on a Friday and tested the following Thursday. As always, reading and Times Table Rockstars should be practised frequently. Reading is the Key!


Looking forward to seeing you all and the fun year ahead! smiley

P.E. days


Monday - Indoor

Thursday - Outdoor


Please ensure your P.E. kits are in school on these days, long hair is tied back and earrings have been removed. 




Homework will be set on a Friday via our Class Dojo page. 


Homework will consist of: 

  • A maths online activity linked to the work we have been doing in class.
  • Weekly spellings 



  • Reading 
  • Times Tables Rock Stars 
  • Another really good website is...


Practising times tables in Year 4 is essential to support the children's maths work and in preparation for the Multiplcation Tables Check which is statutory for all year 4 pupils. 


Class Dojo


We use our Class Dojo page for up-to-date information, class related messages and photos of our learning. You may also contact Miss Parr or Mrs Cawley directly through the messaging facility. 

Any absences should be reported to the school office.


Miss Parr and Mrs Cawley smiley
