Class 6 - Miss T Parr / Mrs Cawley
Hello and welcome to Class 6!
Meet the teachers that support your learning:
Miss Parr (Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday morning)
Mrs Cawley (Wednesday, Thursday and Friday)
Mrs Squires (HLTA) will cover PPA in Class 6 on a Wednesday morning until break time.
Our current topic:
Our first topic is 'Oh I do like to be beside the seaside?'
PE day: Wednesday
On a Wednesday, Class 6 will come to school in their PE uniform for the day. Please ensure long hair is tied back and earrings have been removed.
PE uniform should consist of a plain white t-shirt, plain black bottoms (shorts, tracksuit bottoms or leggings) and a plain black zip-up hoody or sweatshirt. Children will need to wear trainers on this day. PE uniform will depend on the weather that day. Please dress according to the temperature/weather. Black tracksuit bottoms or leggings can be worn during the day. We will let you know if it is indoor or outdoor PE each half term as this will depend on the unit of work being taught.
Class Dojo:
We use our Class Dojo page for up-to-date information, class related messages and photos of our learning. You may also contact Miss Parr or Mrs Cawley directly through the messaging facility.
Any absences should be reported to the school office.
Homework will be set on a Friday via our Class Dojo page.
Homework will consist of:
- A maths online activity linked to the work we have been doing in class.
- Weekly spellings which will be tested the following Friday.
- Reading
- Times Tables Rock Stars
- Another really good website is...
Practising times tables in Year 4 is essential to support the children's maths work and in preparation for the Multiplication Tables Check which is statutory for all year 4 pupils.
Looking forward to seeing you all and the fun year ahead!
Miss Parr and Mrs Cawley