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Summer Lane Primary School

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Writing (inc GPS)



At Summer Lane, we believe that English lies at the heart of all great learning. We feel that every child has the right to leave primary school with a good acquisition of the English language, having developed the key skills of reading and writing needed to function in the wider world.

Through a use of varied and rich, high-quality texts, we have designed an innovative curriculum that aims to develop stimulating opportunities for writing. The carefully chosen texts provide a starting point and exciting stimulus for our children. Our curriculum ensures that children have opportunity in each year group to use specifically selected stories, poems and life experiences to aid their writing. This aims to broaden their skills and ignite their interests within the world of English.

Our writing curriculum ensures progression and National Curriculum coverage across all year groups and classes. It is thoroughly planned, monitored and adapted to ensure that children are provided with the best opportunities to develop the following key skills:


  • write for real or creative purposes and audiences, adapting their language and style in a range of contexts
  • develop their own creative style and express their imaginative thoughts
  • develop cohesion and accuracy within their writing through their awareness of the English language
  • develop their skills to produce writing of the highest quality
  • re-read and make improvements to their work by viewing writing as a drafting and re-crafting process
  • improve their motor skills to be able to write clearly, accurately and coherently.


Through our teaching of grammar, both within English lessons themselves and in stand-alone lessons, we aim to provide a solid understanding of the English language and grammar for children to use within their writing. We also ensure that spelling is taught effectively for all children enabling them to spell new words and apply the spelling patterns and rules they learn both throughout their time at Summer Lane and into the future.


We believe that inclusive education means supporting all pupils to learn, contribute and participate in all aspects of school life alongside their peers.

In writing, SEND pupils are supported through quality first teaching including; using a range of teaching and learning styles to match the needs of all learners, differentiated learning materials including access to learning aids (visual aids-pictures, books, word banks, working walls, alphabet strips, talking tins, sentence starters, modelled write, whiteboards, prompt cards), access to ICT and Technology, flexible groupings – including small group work and writing specific intervention (handwriting interventions including Write From the Start, pencil grips, Read, Write Inc.) and regular liaison with the SENCo.

Writing inspired through high quality texts


At Summer Lane we hope to open the minds of our children so that they not only learn the skills needed to be competent in English but apply them in their own way to be creative and expressive individuals. By the time children leave Summer Lane they will:

  •  Acquire a wide vocabulary range and have a strong command of the written word 
  • Be confident to write for a range of different purposes and audiences 
  • Have a love for writing and write for enjoyment

Writing progression EYFS - Y6
