PE Lead - Mrs Cawley
Our PE Intent Statement
Physical Education at Summer Lane Primary aims to develop competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities, to be physically active for sustained periods of time, engage in competitive sports and activities and lead healthy, active lives.
At Summer Lane, we aim to provide at least two hours of fun, exciting and active PE lessons each week alongside educating the children on a healthy, balanced diet and lifestyle. We also strive to offer as many children as possible the opportunity to compete in a variety of competitions, either during school time or by representing the school at local events.
- Provide challenging and enjoyable learning through a range of sporting activities including: invasion games, net & wall games, striking and fielding games, gymnastics, dance, swimming and outdoor and adventure.
- The long-term plan sets out the PE units which are to be taught throughout the year and ensures that the requirements of the National Curriculum are fully met.
- Pupils participate in two high quality PE lessons each week.
- Children can attend after school sports clubs three evenings per week.
- Participation at a range of competitive events between local primary schools - through Pro-Active School Performance and Barnsley School Games.
- Annual Sports Day
- Year 6 run FS2 Sports Day
- In Year 5, all pupils learn to swim.
PE Long Term Plan
Competitions and Events
Children from each key stage regularly take part in events and competitions against other schools.
We are a member of Pro-Active School Performance (PSP) Sports Provision - Advocating Excellence in Inter-School Sport and take part in weekly competitions with a group of 12 local primary schools to enable our children to experience competitive events in a friendly and supportive environment, accessing the best sporting facilities in our local area. We also attend many events facilitated by the School Games Organiser for Barnsley.
All our children will get an opportunity throughout the year to attend an event both in and out of school.
School Games Mark
In 2023, the school received the School Games Gold Mark.