Our Music Intent Statement
At Summer Lane Primary School, we know how to involve our students in a fun, enjoyable and practical music curriculum, that gives them the knowledge to know how to be good performers, composers and improvisers. We want our students to develop a real love for music and to appreciate a wide range of music and musical genres.
Music in the Early Years
As soon as children start in EYFS, they are introduced to an enabling musical environment, where they have access to musical instruments both indoors and in the outdoor area. Children are also encouraged to sing songs and rhymes relating to their own interests and songs linked to topics and themes that are introduced to them in class. Using Development Matters (July, 2021), we have carefully mapped out a curriculum which ensures children are continually focused on working towards meeting the goals set out in the ‘Expressive Art and Design' section of the Development Matters document. When starting with us in Nursery, children are introduced to short musical sessions, where they are encouraged to use musical vocabulary, by naming instruments, playing instruments and singing nursery rhymes. When progressing into Foundation 2, children still have access to musical provision and have regular singing sessions, but they also take part in weekly music sessions in the terms of: Autumn 1, Spring 1 and Summer 1. During these sessions, the children are introduced to the basic interrelated dimensions of music. During our music sessions in Foundation 2, children are encouraged to find the pulse of pieces of music, clap rhythms, sing different pitches and play xylophones and other musical instruments. Most importantly, children are still encouraged to sing along to songs that they are familiar with and learn new nursery rhymes. At Summer Lane Primary School, we believe that the curriculum we have created for EYFS gives the children opportunity to develop a love for music as well as equipping them with the musical knowledge they will need to progress in KS1.
Music in KS1 and KS2
At Summer Lane Primary School, our music curriculum is a two year rolling cycle and units are taught during the terms: Autumn 1, Spring 1 and Summer 1 on a weekly basis. The units are centered around the interrelated dimensions of music (Pulse, rhythm, pitch, dynamics, tempo, timbre, structure, texture and notation). When children first start learning musical elements in KS1, the curriculum focusses on the pitch, rhythm, pulse and dynamics of music. As children progress through school, all of the interrelated dimensions are developed in their music lessons. In lower KS2, our music curriculum develop children’s understanding of tempo, timbre, structure, texture and notation. In upper KS2 all of the interrelated dimensions of music balance themselves out, so that all children, by the time they reach the end of Y6 should be confident with all musical elements. Every lesson includes: listening and appraising, musical activities, creating and exploring and performing music. These elements of learning are taught in every unit of learning and are developed as the children progress through school.
By looking at the interrelated dimensions of music (which you can view below), you can see how the progression spiral works. Each unit starts with a song which encourages children to find the pulse, rhythm and pitch. Then as children progress through school, new dimensions are added as the children move to different key stages. This represents an ever increasing spiral of musical learning, the repetitive units develop pupil’s musicality and by the end of upper KS2 children should be confident to: sing and use their voices, to create and compose music on their own and with others, have the opportunity to learn and play a musical instrument, use technology appropriately and have the opportunity to progress to the next level of musical excellence.