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Summer Lane Primary School

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Meet the Governors

The Chair of Governors is Peter Bell


We have two sub committees, Personal & Curriculum (P&C) & Finance & Building (F&B). There is a Full Governors meeting each term. The P&C & F&B meet half termly.


The Chair of the F&B is TBD, and the Chair of the P&C is John Armin.


The Governor in charge of Safeguarding is Peter Bell.


The Governors in charge of SEND are John Armin and Sally Hibbert.


Personal & Curriculum

John Armin (Chair), Rob Smith, Stephen Morgan, Sally Hibbert, and Sakina Rhodes.

Finance & Business

TBD (Chair), Rob Smith, Kirsty Parry, and Dan Sykes..


If you are interested in becoming a governor, please see either Mr Smith or Mrs Bonds & we will arrange a meeting with one of the governors so you can find out more about the role.

Register of Business Interests 2023-4

Every year Governors are asked to declare any Business Interests. There were none declared this year.

The minutes of meetings may be requested by parents and are to be available within five working days. A small charge for photocopying/admin may be applicable.