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Summer Lane Primary School

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Meet the Governors

The Chair of Governors is Peter Bell


We have two sub committees, Personal & Curriculum (P&C) & Finance & Building (F&B). There is a Full Governors meeting each term. The P&C & F&B meet half termly.


The Chair of the F&B is TBD, and the Chair of the P&C is John Armin.


The Governor in charge of Safeguarding is Peter Bell.


The Governors in charge of SEND are John Armin and Sally Hibbert.


Personal & Curriculum

John Armin (Chair), Stephen Morgan, Sally Hibbert, and Sakina Rhodes.

Finance & Business

TBD (Chair), and Dan Sykes.


If you are interested in becoming a governor, please see either Mrs Nixon or Mrs Bonds & we will arrange a meeting with one of the governors so you can find out more about the role.

Register of Business Interests 2024-25

Every year Governors are asked to declare any Business Interests. There were none declared this year.

The minutes of meetings may be requested by parents. A small charge for photocopying/admin may be applicable.
