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F2 Mrs Sidebottom/ Mr Lamb (Mrs McCord currently on Maternity Leave)

Welcome to Foundation 2

The staff working in the Foundation 2 unit are; Mrs Sidebottom and Mrs Whincup (Class teachers) and our learning support assistants- Mrs Ward (Monday to Thursday full days), Miss Tyas (Wednesday and Thursday afternoons and all day Friday), Mrs Roberts (morning sessions) and Mrs French (afternoon sessions). Mrs Murray will also be teaching the children all day on a Wednesday to cover Mrs Sidebottom in the morning and Mrs Whincup in the afternoon.


The children have been placed into two register groups; Mrs Sidebottom's Superstars and Mrs Whincup's Clever Clogs. These register groups will be used for group work, reporting to parents at parent evenings, end of year reports and completing children's assessments throughout the year.  A letter will be sent home during the first week, inviting you to join class dojo. This will also inform you which register group your child is in.


In Foundation 2, children will take part in daily phonics sessions. During the  phonics sessions, children will learn the sounds and names of letters in the alphabet. The children will also learn how to read and write simple words. We would appreciate any support you could give to your child regarding the learning of these letters at home.

Children will also take part in focused maths activities and literacy sessions to support their learning. However, a lot of this learning will be done through  play in the classroom environment with the support from Foundation 2 teachers. 

Autumn 1

We would like to welcome you all to our class page. This class page is to inform you about what the children have been doing at school. We also use the class Dojo application to also upload activities, so please make sure that you also check Dojo. During the first half term, the real aim is for the teachers and staff in Foundation 2 is to get to know your child and for you child to get to know us too. We will be spending lots of time with the children to find out about themselves, their family, their likes and dislikes. A lot of this will be done through play, whilst taking part in activities that the children are interested in, to build a great teacher/pupil bond that will develop and flourish throughout the year. We will be starting off our year with the topic 'Super Me'. During this topic we will be reading stories and taking part in activities that encourage children to talk about themselves, how they maybe different to someone else, but how everyone is beautiful and unique. This will encourage children to talk about their likes and dislikes and how they maybe similar or different to their friends in class. This topic really gets children communicating with one another, which begins to develop friendships within the classroom environment. 

Our learning this half term- Super Me!

  • Our PE day is Friday. The children will need to come to school in their full PE kit on this day. They will stay in their PE kit throughout the day. This PE kit consists of a plain white t shirt, black shorts/ black jogging bottoms, a plain black hoodie and trainers/ black pumps. The children will start taking part in PE on Friday 13th September. They do not need to wear a PE kit during the first week. 
  • PE- Introduction to PE- moving in different ways, finding a space, following simple rules and instructions and simple ball skills. 
  • Geography- Incredible journeys- why do people travel to different places?
  • Literacy- the children will listen to the story of the Colour Monster by Anna Llenas. We will also be practising to write our name on our work. 
  • RE- Celebrations and special places. 
  • Maths- number songs, subitising to 3, length and 2D shapes. 
  • Calendar maths- counting forwards and backwards, subitising, positional language and number bonds to 5. 
  • Science - Humans. We will create self portraits, describe how people look and talk about these differences, talk about ways of keeping healthy and talk about and name our family members. 

Parent Information

  • Baking and food tasting activities are an important part of children's learning. Therefore, we would appreciate a weekly contribution of £1 towards the cost of these activities.


  • The children will be taking part in lots of fun outdoor learning, please make sure that your child brings a coat to school everyday so they can participate in outdoor activities.


  • Your child has been given a book bag labelled with their name. It is important that your child brings their book bag to school every day. 


  • Please make sure that your child's jumpers, cardigans and coats are name labelled to make sure they can be returned if misplaced.


  • Please sign up to our class Dojo page for any important updates and class information. A sheet of paper will be given to you in September with a code and password to sign up to our Class Dojo page.
  • Fruit, water and milk will be provided for your child at school, so there is no need to send your child to school with a water bottle. 

Important Dates 


*Monday 2nd and Tuesday 3rd September 2024- Inset Days

*Wednesday 4th to Friday 6th September 2024 - F2 children to attend either for the morning sessions (8.40am to 11.30am) or the afternoon sessions (12.30pm to 3.15pm). A letter/ email has been sent informing you which session your child has been allocated. 

*Monday 9th September 2024 - children will attend full time, 8.40am until 3.15pm. The children will stay for their dinner. Please order your child's dinner on the School Gateway app


