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Class 3 - Mrs Welburn/Mrs Petty

Welcome to Class 3!

Welcome to the Class 3 page. smiley
We are Years 1 and 2 and our teachers are Mrs Welburn and Mrs Petty. Mrs Hall and Mrs Merrett work in our classroom too. We are also supported by Mr Murray on Mondays and Fridays. 


This half term our topic is “Day and Night”.


In English we will be writing reports about nocturnal animals and reading narrative texts such as Owl Babies, Can't You Sleep Little Bear and The Owl who was Afraid of the Dark.


In Maths we will be continuing to learn to tell the time, identifying the properties of 2D and 3D shapes and solving problems involving addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.


In Art we will be making collages of nocturnal animals and drawing silhouettes.


P.E. is on Mondays and Thursdays. Please ensure that your child's indoor and outdoor P.E. kits are in school on these days. No earrings. 


Homework will be handed out on Fridays. Please try to return it to school by Wednesday. Children will be given a piece of English and Maths work every week to complete. Please support your child to do their best.


At Summer Lane Primary School we believe that 'Reading is the Key!' Please bring your child's book bag to school every day and read with them as often as you can.


Any problems or questions, please pop in to see us. 




In Science we worked in groups to write, produce and present our own weather reports. We used iPads to film them.

We used the Beebots to help us to learn about directions and turns.
