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Class F2

Welcome to Foundation 2


Welcome to Foundation 2! smiley


Miss Silverwood and Miss Lumb are the teachers working in Foundation 2 and working alongside them are Mrs Harper (LSA) Miss Fisher (LSA) and Miss Greasley (apprentice).  


The children have been placed into two register groups; Miss Silverwood's Super Stars and Miss Lumb's Lucky Learners. These register groups will be used for group work and when we report to parents during parents' evenings, end of year reports and when completing your children's learning journeys. Please take a look at which group your child is in. This information is displayed on the Foundation 2 notice board in the cloakroom. 


We do phonics, literacy and numeracy everyday as well as lots of other activities that help to support our learning both indoors and outside.



Everyday is a fun day in Foundation 2! frown


Summer 2


During the last half term in Foundation 2, we will be finding out about minibeasts. The children will be finding out lots of facts about minibeast and will be encouraged to write down the information  using their phonics knowledge they have developed throughout the academic year. The children will have the opportunity to watch worms in our wormery and children will be asked to fetch any worms to school if they find any in the garden at home. The children will have the opportunity to watch the caterpillars grow and turn into a chrysalis. Once the caterpillars have turned into their chrysalis, the children will be able to observe them turning into butterflies inside our butterfly house. At the end of the term the children will help the teachers release the butterflies into the wild.  We have a fun half term planned with the children and we are looking forward to taking the class on a trip to the Tropical Butterfly House on the 14th of July.


Our targets this half term:


  • Our class target this half term is to look after the classroom environment and become independent learners.


At home we would like you to practise;

  • Forming numbers correctly.
  • To practise identifying numbers from 0-10 and then 0-20 and to put them in order.
  • To become confident with finding 'one more' and 'one less' than a given number.
  • To practise adding and subtracting using objects and fingers. We have also been learning to add and subtract by putting the biggest number in our heads and then counting forwards or backwards to find the answer.
  • To name 2D and 3D shapes in and around the local environment and talk about their properties.
  • To practise doubling, halving and sharing objects.
  • To practise making repeating patterns with objects.


Reading and Writing


At home we would like you to practise;

  • Forming letters correctly.
  • Children to practise writing their first and surname.
  • To identify letters and also the sounds that they make.
  • To identify the sounds in simple words and blend them together. (cat, dog, ship, chop, pin, sat, pan, tin) etc.
  • To read and write simple captions. (a fat cat, a big van, a red rug).
  • To practise writing simple sentences. (Look at the big dog).
  • To practise reading keywords and books which are sent home weekly.


Free writing books

Before the Easter holidays, children were sent home with a free writing book for them to use at home. Children can use this book to practise forming their letters, writing simple words and to also have a go at writing simple captions and sentences. (Look at the man in a hat). There are some words at the front of the book to inform parents of the words and sounds we have covered so far. The teachers will check children's free writing books weekly to see what lovely writing children have been doing at home.  


Important notes:


  • Bring your book bag every day!
  • Please remember to bring a coat to school as we do lots of our learning outside.
  • Book club is every Thursday afternoon, if you would like your child to go to book club, please send them with £1 on a Thursday.
  • Doors open at 8.40am and children are to be in class no later than 8.50am. We will open the doors at 3.10pm at the end of the day.
  • If you feel your child is confident with their reading books and you would like them to be changed, feel free to choose some more reading books or see a member of teaching staff.
  • Just a reminder to parents that children are not allowed to play with the equipment and toys  outside the F2 or Nursery classroom before and after school.

Dates to remember:


*Friday 30th June - Shorts and Shades day. (Children to come dressed in summer clothes)

*Thursday 6th July - Minibeast day. (Children to come dressed as their favourite minibeast)

*Friday 14th July - School Trip to the Tropical Butterfly House.

*Thursday 20th July - Break up for the summer holidays.


