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Summer Lane Primary School

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Class 8- Mr Mann

Hello and welcome to our class page. In Class 8, you will be taught by: me, Mr. Mann; alongside our Learning Support Assistant, Mrs. Dobson. You will also be taught by Mrs Bradley during Maths and Miss Francis during English. On a Tuesday afternoon you will be taught by Miss. Wakenshaw.


Our P.E. days are Wednesday afternoon (which is our outdoor session) and Friday afternoon-our indoor session.


This year we will be covering a variety of topics that include: "Shang Dynasty" and "The British Empire".


Homework will be set on a Friday via Class Dojo. This will come in the form of: Maths (based on what we have been doing in class that week) and weekly reading (more information to come). Weekly spelling tests will be on Tuesdays.


To keep up to date with on goings in Class 8 and at Summer Lane Primary School, follow us on Twitter @SummerLanePS.
