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Class 6- Miss Webb

Welcome to the Class 6 page! Our teachers are Miss Webb, Mrs White and Miss Murray. Mrs Wood also works in our class and Mrs Pratt teaches us on a Wednesday morning.


Our topic for this term in Ancient Egypt. We have enjoyed finding out lots of facts about what life like was like in these times. We have created some fantastic Egyptian style and Egyptian inspired art work. We have written descriptive writing of an Egyptian setting. We are really looking forward to our trip to Weston Park Museum to find out more!

Ancient Egypt

Homework Task

Every week your child will be given spellings to learn as well as homework for numeracy and comprehension. Our topic this term is Ancient Egypt. For this terms homework task your child needs to research and present anything in relation to Ancient Egypt. Children are encouraged to use their imagination when planning their project and will have 5 minutes to share with the rest of the class. 



Phonic Blends/ Spelling Focus

Children will receive spellings every week; they will be given out on a Wednesday and then tested the following Wednesday. It will be beneficial for your child if you encourage them to practise them.


Reading should be done at home as regularly as possible. P.E is on Wednesdays and Fridays, children will need both their indoor and outdoor kits in school on both days as dependent on the weather and other factors we could be in or out on either day.

Spellings and times tables need to be learned weekly. Maths and Comprehension homework will be issued on Fridays and needs to be handed in the following Wednesday.
