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Class 7- Mr McDougall

Welcome to the class 7 page!

Our teacher is Mr. McDougall, also in our class is Mrs Booker. On a Wednesday morning, Mrs. Sears will teach us Literacy and Maths.


English and Maths.

This term we will be covering a wide variety of topics in both English and Maths. In Maths we will be looking and place value, and calculations that include addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.


In English we will be using our creative skills to write a character description, in addition to also writing about a setting. We will also be writing a non-chronological report on our topic of The Vikings.




This term we have an exciting topic and will be learning about the Vikings. During this topic we will be exploring the reasons behind why the Vikings came to Britain and how they managed to rule our country for over 400 years. Also we will look closely at how the Vikings fought in battle and the many weapons they used. 



In P.E. this half term we will be developing our skills in football. This will be as part of our outdoor P.E. session, which will be on a Wednesday. Indoor P.E. will be on a Friday afternoon. If your child is in Year 5, they will also be lucky enough to have a swimming lesson one afternoon per week.


If you have any queries regarding the curriculum, or anything else that you would like to chat to me about, please feel free to come and see me.




David got to wear the hard working helmet hat during our Topic lesson. Keep working hard everyone! 

David got to wear the hard working helmet hat during our Topic lesson. Keep working hard everyone!


During Literacy we have also been reading How to train your Dragon by Cressida Cowell. We have been looking at descriptive writing, we have wrote a character and setting description.  We are very good at using adventurous vocabulary and including similes in our work! 


In Maths we have been looking at place value. Using our maths working wall can help us put numbers into the correct place value. We have also been multiplying and dividing by 10,100 and 1000. We know the number moves to the left when multiplying and moves to the right when dividing. Some of us have also been multiplying and dividing decimal numbers. The most important rule of the decimal point is it doesn’t ever move, it’s like wellies stuck in mud. 


In P.E  we have been practising our football skills. We have also been doing some circuit training, take a look at the pictures you can see how hard we have been working to keep our fitness up! 

We have been enjoying our lovely reading corner. It’s important we read at home and record it in our reading journals. 

Things to remember!

Reading should be done at home as regularly as possible. P.E is on Wednesdays and Fridays, we need both indoor and outdoor kits in school on both days as dependent on the weather and other factors we could be in or out on either day.

Spellings and times tables need to be learned weekly. Maths and Comprehension homework will be issued on Fridays and needs to be handed in the following Wednesday. 

Viking project 

Class 7 had a special visitor called Ben Cooper come in and he told us all about his experiences in Antarctica. 

Exploring the poles project

Useful links:

Please find below a number of links to support our work in class.


Grammar and Punctuation - The British Council


Maths - Top marks (Great for mental maths!)


Science- Sound


Topic- BBC History

